It's just about the end of the year. 2013 has been a huge year for me. My life has honestly never been better. I feel so pleased with myself - satisfied - accomplished. Mostly I feel proud of all I have been able to do. I'm rededicating time to myself and this blog in the next year. I have many many projects I'm working on but my heart still lives here. So here I am again to give you dear reader whoever you are a peek into my world. What I'm up to. Maybe im posting so I can chronicle this time a time of peace and solace a time of goodness and luv so when I need it, need to feel safe and warm and capable I can come back here to now this moment ( cause that's all we have this one moment this now) and touch it.
I recently had my tarot cards read. It was so empowering and healing to see how my cards read the story of my life. My past. My now. And a peek into my future. I was reassured I was not to blame for the outcome of my failed marriage that I may have played a slight hand but it was not me that lead me down the path I'm on ... The path I was meant to be on. It was simply my destiny. I was reminded of who I am. My power my gift my heart and soul all laid there clearly for anyone who has the skill set to see. I was amazed. I cried and I accepted again what it is. Why I'm here now and again reminded its all coming all of my blessings for all of the tears I cried and pain I felt. I'm walking in the blessing now. I wake in it. I'm
Shining in it. Knowing the best is yet to come.

- Michelle :)