Tuesday, February 24, 2009

sweet craving

Was feeling a little sweet last night and decided that I needed ice cream. Sent E to Baskin Robbins to pick up a couple of scoops of my new favorites , the BRight choices menu. i got a scoop of milk chocolate and vanilla. When he got home I was inspired to frost me ice cream and make it even worst for myself. I sprinkled on white chocolate morsels and chocolate graham cracker gold fish. I obviously did not count the points of this unnecessary snack. I can only imagine how bad it was. ANYHOO, here is goes.

My name is Michelle and I am a chocoholic. This is a problem I have had for a long time but is seems to be getting worse. My sweet tooth is on hyper active overdrive. I figure if I blog about my sweet tooth maybe I can be more mindful of what I am doing. I know dessert is not that bad but the way I crave something sweet is out of control. Maybe if I can kick the chocolate habit the weight loss effort would be better rewarded. =(

Ok, well that is off my chest but I am really not feeling any better about it.

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