I attempted to one up the sandwich from Thursdays box and make it a little more exciting and a smidge healthier by putting it on a whole wheat tortilla and adding my salad greens and tomatoes to the wrap along with the turkey and red pepper smear. I am sure it will taste yummy but it fell apart when I was wrapping it up so its not that pretty. Oh well, it was 5:00 am when I made it and I had not had coffee yet. I added in some TJ's whole grain crackers for my 9:00am snack attack 10 crackers to be exact, a Valencia orange and a Cliff bar mint chip flavor.
I stopped in at my commute buckys this morning grabbed a tall toffee nut latte non fat hold the whip and a morning bun because I have been a good girl all week and had a quick gab fest with the baristas about the media buzz surrounding Jon and Kate Plus 8 and how mean we all think she is to him and then headed off to work latte in hand listening to cosmo radio with a smile on my face!
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