Friday, June 12, 2009

More of the Karate Kid

Picture 049
Ready to go

Picture 050
LMG, warming up

Picture 051

Picture 048
My sweet little power ranger excuse me my rough and tumble karate kid.

Ok, so the second (actually first ) class went sorta good, well as good as can be expected. My little is really not down with this structured discipline type teaching but we are going to try and stick with it. I think his lack of attention has a lot to do with him being at home all day and not in a structured play environment just yet... preschool this fall thank goodness.He is also a very social creature, much like me and likes to be around other kids, his excitement level increases when he is around them.

He was,or rather a Sifu was assigned to him to keep him wrangled in I suppose, but honestly he was very good with LMG and I like that he took his time and reexplained things to him as many times as he needed in the 30 minute time he was there.

At the end of the class LMG was given his very own karate belt. A little ceremony was done and he knelt by the big karate professor and he gave a little announcement about LMG being a newly declared white belt and then tied it on him. It was cute and my little was so excited and proud.

At the end of the class his Sifu came over and handed me a list of rules that he wants us to work on with Gabriel. HMM, the rules seem intense for his age range but we will give them a go. ( I will post rules later), He also gave Gabriel a "probation stripe" if he breaks the rules at home or in class we are to remove his stripe. Gabriel,very proud of his stripe did not like hearing this and decided to straighten up in front of his Sifu. I guess the idea is to use it as a bargaining tool to get the kids to behave better. The jury is still out if this will work for my bundle of energy and giggles little.

PS. I will admit he did straighten up a few times at home after class when we talked about telling the Sifu and taking away his stripe.

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