Sunday morning at casa de fabulous. Lmg was up at the butt crack of dawn dressed and ready to go to work ( and so you know the butt crack if dawn was 6 am) I lazily got up and showered fed the littles and made some coffee. Breakfast for mama coffee with a dee's mini doughnut not the most healthy but oh well.
The cute little baby on the coaster is my sweet boy lmg circa 4-6 months old.
On the agenda today:
Declutter my boys rooms
Plan my august calendar, activites etc
Vaccum the living room
Make a dent on the backlog of days of our lives in my TiVo
Clean my room
Maybe a trip to target.
Ok busy Sunday but before I go a few other snaps from this AM

Watching daddy facebook

Lmg tired of all the paparazzi so early in the day
Ps this outfit was his third of the day. We are going through preshooler clothes changing habits leaves a mess on the floor ... When can I start training them to fold their own clothes? Any feedback?
-- Posted From My fabulous iPhone
CV fab mama/curlie girlie gone mobile!
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