Yeah yeah that's what all of the home shopping networks say to pedel their goods but this time it was a steal! I recently went to a hostess party ... Two words starts with a P ends in House and I was lusting after their ultra chic stainless steel cook set. I held of because the price wad kinda steep. They were selling a 6 piece set for like $400 WAY out of my kitchen budget. Two weeks ago I was bored channel surfing and who do I run into on HSN ... Emeril... Dang! BAM!
I was quite enticed by his cooking skills and the price of his 12 piece stainless steel set $150 plus free shopping! Say what? I was on it like bees on honey. 3 days later my set arrived like woah super fast and looking fantastic on my pot rack. They cook great and I am so glad I waited and got a much better deal ...did I tell you they came with a set of pairing knives? Well they did ... BAM!

-- Posted From My fabulous iPhone
CV fab mama/curlie girlie gone mobile!
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