Saturday, August 1, 2009

Oh PW Market!

How do I love thee ? Let me count the ways as I admire and lust after your sweet baked goods

We needed to take a treat to Mr. and Mr. Smiths
I figured PW was the spot to hit and then a decision had to be made. Where does a curlie girlie even begin? So many cakes so little time.

I abandoned my constant lover... Chocolate and went with this dream of a coconut cake it was so fluffy and elegant looking. It was yummy too! Both littles loved it and it seemed to be well received at the BBQ. Wisely, I did not bother to back up any of it for home when we left. It's devlish goodness stayed at the party! Thanks PW for an awesome cake.
-- Posted From My fabulous iPhone

CV fab mama/curlie girlie gone mobile!

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