Up and at it early. Took lmg with me to weight watchers the took him on a walk. We made it half mile with out complaint then preschooler melt down occured! Yikes . I had to peom
Se him French toast and juice before he would pick his little body up off if the track and then we scampered to the car. He was happy I was embarrased.
Took the brat oops I mean little home whipped up some French toast for him and E.
Cleaned up the kitchen the made myself breakfast. 1 cup yogurt (2 points),1/4 cup 18 rabbits granola (1 point) and half a peach (1point) served together parfait style. A cup of tea and a quick look at a magazine I picked up at Michael's the other day.
Still on the agenda today:
Pick up gift for a party we are going to
Come home and do more clean up
Drive to Tracy
-- Posted From My fabulous iPhone
CV fab mama/curlie girlie gone mobile!
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