After a day at the doctor and too fussy littles both from the heat and lmg from an ear infection when I finally was able to sit and relish in the ac a spiderman war errupted... You know they have a spidey pal each. My first thought was gees omg why oh why me? Second thought grab the phone and get ad many decent snaps as you can with out moving from the plush spot on the couch. So, I snapped what I could I hope you can see both of the spideys and then break up the mayhem to save my loveseat, my sanity, and the rest of the day I am still a week behind on days people!
The littles of course protested bur then were distracted by the cats having their own war but I was way too tired to get up and document that.
-- Posted From My fabulous iPhone
CV fab mama/curlie girlie gone mobile!
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