Friday, September 4, 2009

Spud Box and a mini Big Brother rant....very mini


The yummy Spud Box arrived yesterday after a  bit of an absence. Now that we are  back to a "normal" schedule I am going to be resuming weekly deliveries by the end of the month. I kinda miss my weekly produce delivery and I think I am going to start bulking up my orders to include other staples we use around the house... 18 Rabbits bars, dinner options and snacks for the littles. Spud was out of stock on my favorite mini  donut package so I was totally missing those yesterday when I was searching for a small something to nibble on while I was watching a train wreck of a Big Brother episiode  last night .. I am sad Jeff in in the jury house and I  loathe  Natalie... but anyways what was in the box this week?

Avocado, Hass (small) - 1
Cucumbers - 2  
Leek - 1      
Mushrooms, Crimini - 0.33
Peaches - 4 
Spinach, Baby - 1
Salad Greens, Spring - 1
Squash, Crookneck - 2
Tomatoes, Roma - 1

Oh and a bonus  ready made salad I won from a Facebook contest with Spud a couple of weeks back! Thanks Spud.

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