Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Monday Lunch Box!

Monday after Halloween Eats. I totally left the idea of counting points behind this weekend. But now its time to get with it again.  I placed the box in front of the jar of our candy loot from this weekend to remind me to stick to it, and not cheat. But truth be told I think the candy fairy will be coming to our house soon enough this week.  I found a list of  fun ideas on what to do with the left over candy. Want to learn more click here

Breakfast: Muscle milk Smoothie (3) , fruity cheerios  (2)
Lunch: Green salad (0), pasta with sauce and cheese (4) Hard boiled egg (2)  Four strawberries (2)
I also had a mid morning snack of a Gerber graduates granola bar apple cinnamon flavor (1) I  know kinda silly but I picked a box up at the dollar store to keep in my desk in case I get hungry while working.

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