Shark attack!
While I was attempting to relax the morning away a little came into the bathroom and handed me his shark.

This made the little giggle.

Gees I never get a break!
Ok back to the bubble bath....

I thought my tootsie could use some extra attention so I busted out this foot scrub my momma put in my x mas stocking this year... Flavor watermelon mint? It was more mintie than melon.

Here's what it looks like very grainy it did the job of getting rid of dull looking skin on my feet .

Then since the little took off I figured I could deep condition my hair with my current favorite product that I snagged at Ross for $10 this stuff is lasting forever.

Then I ended the bath with a yummy face mask from the body shop

Works well and smells yummy!
-- Posted From My fabulous iPhone
CV fab mama/curlie girlie gone mobile!
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