Dear David,
What a month what a month. You are doing so very good at potty training! We have now reached a point where we can leave you in your super hero underwear all day and you will come and go out of the potty as you please. Yes, its true that there have been some accidents but that's normal and once we have this hurdle of caca in the toilet and not in the pants taken care of I am proud to say you will be potty trained and ready for preschool.I am hoping you will get past this next step soon and in time for my birthday in June since that will make the best birthday present a little DaveyPooh can give.
Besides the toilet training a lot has been happening with you too this month. You seem to be very happy when its time to play alone. I think sometimes you get overwhelmed by your brother and all of his large motor skills that causes him to thrash about and causing mayhem that makes you eventually burst into tears. You my little fellow are a quiet little guy. There is a sweetness and a sensitivity to you that your brother does not seem to posses and for that reason I find myself taking my time with you a little more. I won't speak as loud when I am asking you questions about your day, I don't seem to mind as much when you waste your food and refuse to eat whats on your plate. I don't even get irritated when you will single handily eat an entire weeks worth of bananas by yourself. That is right , when shopping for groceries we are now up to 3 bunches of bananas a trip a majority of which you eat alone.
Many a day you will ask for a banana. You will inhale it in seconds stuffing the whole thing in your mouth and when its in your tummy you will then walk up to me and ask for another banana. AYE! Your banana issues have caused me to move the bananas to a "safer" area in the kitchen where you will not climb on top the table looking for a banana fix.
This month you seem to have taken a bigger interest in reading books and spending time alone. Many an afternoon I will walk through the house and find you on the couch looking through a childrens encyclopedia calling out the names of things you recognize and asking what's that to things you are curious about. Something else that has started happening with you this month is you started doing a lot of climbing. Last week I walked into your room to see you standing on your dresser ( you used the drawers as stairs) with one hand on your hip and one fist in the air. You then announced to me " I superhero, I Batman I go!" Luckily I caught you before you jumped and we quickly put an end to you climbing on top the dresser. SIGH
Things you are digging in March
Reptiles- You want to watch all sorts of TV programs about reptiles. Should I thank Bindi the Jungle Girl for this?
Batman- My favorite superhero too, you love him and you are only happy these days when you have your cape and mask on
Waffles topped with bananas- YUM
Restaurants- shameful, but we finally mastered the trick to eating out with littles heres the recipe for restaurant success
- Order your mac and cheese meal first
ask if they have black beans cause your love them
order two cups of chocolate milk
* these tips make for make for very happy busy little boys.
But you love eating out and making time with the waitress perfecting your flirting skills. Something I obviously passed along.
"I do it"- your new favorite thing to say.. cause you want to do everything by yourself!
Dandelions- One of the best things about bing a kid is blowing dandelions into the wind, good for you baby! But please stop trying to eat them :(
As the month is just about over and we approach your brothers fourth birthday and your third. I feel like I am starting to mourn your babyhood. I know moms always say "he will always be my baby" but it have found myself getting teary a few times this month knowing that there are not going to be any more babies joining the family and I need to enjoy whats left of this very special happy time. So here's to whats left of babyhood and all the adventures we are still bound to have I love you very much muffin man.
Love ,
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