Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dear David April 2010

Dear David,

You are still potty training. It is not going as smoothly as I had hoped it would. You have accidents  which is normal but now you have started hiding out to go number two. The goal is to really get you to tell us on time  I have to go caca... the other day you came to inform me you had caca and you were holding it in your hand after you plucked it out of your underwear. I was not a happy mommy. You, however had a huge smile on your face. I could not decide if you were happy that you were on your way to put it in the toilet or if you wanted  some props for making a caca.

SIGH! I just keep reminding myself you will get there... you will get there. 

Besides the "excitement" of potty training  you and I have been up to lots this last month. We both look forward to our date Friday where we go on "adventures" as you like to call them. Basically we run errands and you get a chocolate milk and vanilla scone from Starbucks and talk to the people in the drive thru line.Every Thursday night when I am tucking you into bed I tell you about all the fun we are going to have on our morning adventure. You get very excited and say " I want to go to Target , I want chocolate milk " I think its  funny that you have our little schedule down however Daddy and Papa  think I need more variety in my life... I kind of agree so we go to the Hayward Target now instead of Bayfair. 

Your still digging reptiles. Your new favorite one is the Jesus Christ lizard whom you both discovered watching that Life program about animals in their natural habitats. You walk around the house with a plastic green lizard and say things like "look at Jesus Christ", "where's Jesus Christ" , "Can I take Jesus Christ?" and sometimes you throw it at Gabriel and say" HAHA Jesus Christ got you". At first I was really confused why you kept calling this lizard Jesus Christ and then I put it all together and thought oh my lord  these littles and the reptiles. 

Last week we had to attend funeral services for you great grandfather. Daddy explained to you that we were going to Jesus' house and that we had to be very good.  While at the services you kept talking to Gabriel and you guys were looking around. I was watching you closely  but  could not figure out what was on your mind.  You finally looked at me and said "Where is Jesus Christ?" I whispered "We are at his house shh lets be quiet", you replied "I don't see a lizard".

So shameful that we are Catholic and you think going to Jesus' house is visiting with a lizard.  But these are the things you remember when you have children and in case one day I don't remember this story I had to write it so I can never forget.


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