On this day in Gabriel A history September 28,2012 will mark the day of Gabriel losing his very first tooth!!
I came home from work to an elated toothless smile beaming from the face of my eldest little.
The tooth has been wiggly for a couple of weeks now and it was finally set free while Gabriel was brushing his teeth. He announced to my mom that his tooth was wiggly still then believe it or not he plucked it out himself. He was very proud... I was mortified! I could never take my own tooth out. Infact I used to make a big to do about my loose teeth ... Ahhh the theatrics I always have been and still remain a touch melodramatic. Okay back to Gabriel. He proudly informed me that it did not hurt and there was no blood and that all he needed to do was paint his face orange with black eyes and a nose cause he was a jack o lantern kid.
We hurried home... I have been prepping for this day for a while now.

Toothfairy pillow with a pocket in the back for the tooth.

The actual tooth ... Yes peeps that's it!

Under the pillow we go....

Bedtime ! Good night hurry up toothfairy!

Cute brother shot just because
He's excited too!

Toothfairy letter and the loot.

In case you want to read it . The tooth fairy is very polite to leave a note.
Awhile ago G woke up sad cause the tooth fairy had not come yet. I informed him that she sent me an email saying she was on her way to town and that she would only come if he was happy and sleeping. And that if mommy could get to bed soon she would make her way to his room. He perked up and went back to sleep.
Ahhh to be young again. Ok toothfairy mama Michelle over and out!
- Curlie Girlie blogging on the go!
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