Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 17: water

Mixed with my it works greens. I drink so much water more then 64 ounces a day. Sometimes I feel like if I drank any more I would be a fish. I'm always getting up and running to the bathroom at work. Ugh sometimes it's dreadful. I do love it though it's my go to thing to drink I rarely drink soda or juice it's mostly water and coffee which I need to try and cut back on but I will admit coffee gets me through the day. Back to water. I like it plain I like it jazzed up with berries or cucumbers. I like it ice cold and rarely luke warm. This greens supplement gave this cup an orange taste and an Oscar the grouch color. It's suppose to provide you with your full day of fruit and veggie servings I'm excited to see what adding it to my routine of everyday fabulousness will get me. Ive heard weight loss, longer shinier hair, stronger nails, and fresher skin... We will see!

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