Another year has come and gone. My nest was full of giggles and happiness. This time of year is magical to me, and many others I'm sure. So much hustle and bustle. Long lists of things that need to get done, people that need to be seen. I have always loved the holidays despite the business. Maybe some of the magic that happens is getting everything pulled together. I start to think of resolutions come the final few weeks of the year. I decided that this year instead of saying I'm going to do this that and the other and fill my life up with more things I need to get done , I'm going to look at things a little differently. I'm going to do less.
Eat less dairy, consume less carbs, shop less mindlessly, fret less, hurt less. Sometimes a little less can add up to a lot of happiness... Anyways that's what I'm hoping for.
The littles and I picked a beautiful tree this year. It's been my most favorite ever. Small but full and bright, just like me little family.

I have lots to say and write. If there would be anything I would like to do a little more of this new year is write in the blog more or actually just to write. A poem, a song, a note telling someone how I feel for them or just a thank you note thanking God for the wonderful gift I have been given. But, I'm very sure he hears that in my prayers as that is always included.
I'm sitting quietly now reflecting on days, months, years gone by. I notice now when I see my sons after they have been apart from me for several days how much taller they have grown in their absence. How each day they are growing a little bit quicker toward the stories of their lives. Where life and choices made for them will place them in this world. I would like that feeling of time and life passing to be a little less blunt. Less forced in our faces. Less boastful. But this is a wish that is repeated in my prayers, often. maybe that wish and prayer will be answered, and maybe it won't. I read earlier just today infact that maybe God had not answered your prayers because he has something better in store for you. I took that thought today placed it in a cup and drank it down into myself. I'm holding it there. I'm growing it the way I would a baby and I'm going to believe that, because anything can happen. And it will. I know that, since I'm going to doubt less too this year.
Good night
- Michelle :)