Decided to make the most of my left over rice and whipped up ground Italian sausage with veggies and black beans. Very tasty meal. I served it over the white rice but it could have been done with pasta or quinoa, cous cous or just by its self This actually turned out more like a stove top chili once I added the black beans but it was very good on a night that was a little on the chilly side. Chopped veggies for dinner. Used a really pretty pepper kinda long and fat. The color was neat it was a garnet colored pepper.

Cooked down with the italian sausage and black beans. Served over rice. Have you noticed a theme with my dinners. They have turned into a one pot stop. I am thinking this is laziness but not 100% sure just yet. Will make less one pot meals in the coming days.

A plate for the littles. Rice, sausage veggie dish with cheese on top. They usually go for things with cheese on top this time not so much. I also made a chocolate, apricot jam sandwich for them. Gabriel love the nutella spread I keep in the house and every once in a while I will make a little sandwich like this for them to enjoy at dinner or lunch.
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