So because I am bored at work today and rather be home then working let me jot down a quick list of things readers should know about me
- I keep it real--- this is first and foremost. I have learned that this is not always the best way to go about life , you may hurt others feelings. However I am a work in progress and strive to work more on that part of keeping it real
- I never leave the house with out sunglasses, lip gloss and my mobile phone
- I took four years of advance placement Spanish in high school and come from a Latin family and can not speak a word of Spanish to save my life.. sad but true what the hell? This is the as far as my bilingual vocab goes
Hola, Como estas?
Esta Bien!
Donde esta el bano?
Que Hora Es?
Esta muy mala a hoy!
That is is folks! Ha I am so ashamed of this. Especially since LMG is picking up Spanish on the regular from his pals Dora & Diego, and was singing some song en espanol the other day. I should not completely knock myself. I know words but to put them in a sentence and have it make sense nope can not do. I do understand more than I lead people to believe and have been know to listen in on convos around me because I have nothing else to do from time to time
-Gossip is my candy- another sad but true fact. I love hearing dish be it family friends dish, a friend of a friends juice or celebrity fodder I love it all. Recently I have been more apt to listening to the gossip than spreading it but that is an ever revolving door and if the dish is hot enough I may just share.
-Shopping + Me = a day of fun.
-Shopping +Me + a cocktail = a day of blissful fun
- I love to read but can never find the time. Found the amazon kindle app for my I phone so I may be buying some electronic books soon to see if I can read more while on the go.
- Last good book I read (actually listened to ) Born Standing bu Steve Martin. I love learning about people. I have always liked Steve Martin
and after seeing shop girl ( a novella he penned ) I was drawn to his writing and a bio piece about himself was intriguing... it was a wonderful book to listen to and would highly recommend it. Brilliant!
- I have been watching Days of Our Lives for over 20 years. Thats more than half of my life being that I am only 30. I love it and despite the chatter about daytime TV in my circle of friends I am committed and that's it.
- I love Howard Stern. I am so wrapped up in the Stern universe I don't even know whats on the music scene currently.
-If I drank anymore water I would sprout gills and fins ... how boring.
-Being a curly girlie is not easy, tons of products are necessary to either make the curl look good or to flatten it out. While, I am partial to straight hair E prefers the curly me and voices that all of the time.
- I am slowly becoming addicted to facebook and twitter
- I am not ashamed to say I make E a x mas list and a birthday wish list each and every year. I am not the easiest person to shop for and I prefer my own tastes.
- I sing in the shower and in the car.
- For some reason ( why I don't know) my husband does not read my blog.. whatever
- Sometimes I think about a person from the past and wonder do they think about me?
- I thought myself how to cook by watching the food network and reading cook books. My mom gave me the basics growing up but I am a very good cook now.
- I am a self admitted snob of sorts. Everyone that knows me loves me, but not everyone takes the time to know me so their loss.
- I have a never ending sweet tooth, I now feel this is a mysterious medical condition that will never be cured.
- My littles are my loves
-Their daddy is my heart
- I want to be a world traveler one day. Italy, Spain , France, Thailand, just a few on my list.
- I played the violin for eight years... thinking about picking it back up.
- I bore easily which is why this list is so long and detailed.
Now you know some things about me I bet you never knew. Ok, muchachos adios for now !
Hasta la vista en la blog sphere (see more hacky Spanish)
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