More easy peasy shopping done at Spud
The littles love the EnviroKids cereals! The latest and greatest is the EnviroKids Organic Gorilla Munch Cereal. I picked it up here ...Spud of course
Think kix cereal but organic and informative.

Yes, it's true the littles are not reading just yet but I do read the back of the cereal box to them when I think it's interesting.

This box is interesting!We learned a little bit about gorillas, where they live, what they eat.

Littles chowing down on some gorilla munch!

BBD's turn to "read" about gorillas
Check out the Clover milk hiding in the background... I LOVE Clover milk! it is my all time favorite milk ever. You may think this is random to have a favorite milk but I consider myself a milk snob of sorts and I know great milk when I taste it.
For instants, I can taste the small differences in milk by plastic jug and by paper carton. I prefer jug milk but carton is better because the light does not seep into the plastic and change the way the milk tastes? Not sure if this is true but I heard it on the food network once and who am I to question the food network. I love the richness of clover milk, the fullness when you drink it and just about everything about it. We only stock Clover milk in my house, that is how brand loyal I am.

At first I was a little hesitant to get milk delivered but I figured I would try it and see if my milk arrived safe... it did! Spud packed it with ice packs and a handy dandy little envelope. Wonderful! I love that Spud is so thoughtful with these type of things... it really sets my mind at ease that I can shop with out a worry from my desk at work or while relaxing on the couch.
I think Gorilla Munch and clover milk make a fantastic pairing any little or momma would love! I'm sure even a gorilla would like it, wait.. I am not sure if gorilla's can drink cows milk so scratch that.
Happy Munching!
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