I picked up the peanut butter, jelly and bread all at Spud.
Nothing says yummy comfort food to me like PB&J. I am passing this along to the littles. When I can not get my boys to eat what I have made for dinner but don't want to send them to bed with an empty tummy I can always go to this.
I like to make PB&J fun and we will see how it turns out now on to the reviews.
Maranatha Peanut Butter. I am usually not a fan of creamy peanut butter, I am a crunchy kind of girl, but I thought I would give it a whirl since it may be easier for the littles to eat (esp. BBD) I was very happy with the creaminess of this peanut butter. A word of warning when you first open this peanut butter is natural separation of the peanut oil. I have seen this before in organic peanut butter. it totally natural so don't worry about it just stir well before using and store in fridge once it's open.

peanut butter drip-age

after stirring and being in the fridge

very good spreadability
Cascadian Farms Grape Jam

Good flavor although I am a fan or marmalade. The littes and E love grape jelly so it was a family pleaser when I made the sandwiches using grape.I like to spread this in very then because it does not matter if it is organic or not jam is sticky! I happened to like this jam and have used it a few times on toast and it goes well on warm bread also.
Alvarado St. Bakery, Ultimate Kids Bread

Very fluffy kid friendly bread. I have found that the boys really are not huge fans of wheat bread, some of it is too thick for them and come to think of it me too. This bread is very yummy, soft fluffy and tasty it makes for very good toast and sandwiches.
With these yummy organic raw materials I was able to get to sandwich business. I always keep a tub of cookie cutters on hand when cooking for littles. I decided to go for a lives in the water theme.

duck and fish cutters.
To begin you make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich the traditional way, whip out your cutters and start pressing and peeling the out edges away.

a duck under construction

a duck complete

here fishy fishy

more peeling back of the crust

fish sandwich ready to go

Voila littles peanut butter perfection you could if you were ambitious take this the next level and get some food safe markers and draw in some eyeballs and smiles on these little guys but I have yet to get some... it's on a shopping list believe me. I always serve these sandwiches with the cutters to give the littles something to do while the are munching away.

BBD very happy with his sandwich

LMG lovin' his sandwich

I think not... I am often questioned by people what about the left overs? The boys usually will want a snack sometime in the day or they are still hungry. This is when the crust comes in. I either serve it to the boys, or ...

to the hubby for a pre dinner snack.. or late night snack
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