Very interesting little Popsicles. My mom picked up a box for her place and a box for me a few weeks ago. This is really something I would not buy on a regular basis but I figured since we have them in the house I will let the littles go to town.
They come in a variety of fun shapes and colors. They are toddler sized which is a good thing because LMG and BBD will end up wasting a yummy treat like a Popsicle, wouldn't you know. Another fun thing about these pops they are slow melting. I guess they have jell-o or something in them that allows them to melt at a slower speed for kids to enjoy. This does not however, reduce the sticky-ness factor that is always apparent with littles come across this type of treat.
The flavors they come in are, fruit punch lemon-lime, watermelon , tropical orange, and strawberry kiwi. I was reading the ingredients list and was not surprised to find a bunch of junk in the form of fun listed, in fact far too many to list. These things are full of sugar. They are however 1 point so if you wanted to grab one and eat it the low points does not really make up for all the junk your actually eating.

I had one with the littles a few weeks ago when it was HOT. The look of why did I do this on my face was because A. I should have read the label before I ate it and gave it and gave it to my boys and B. It was so ho that day. LMG, he just has that funky little look sometimes.
Of course we all know that the littles loved these pops and some how some way another box has made it back into my life... my mom got me another. UGH. They have enjoyed them but not that often. Honestly I would pass on them all together.
They are cute but you can make a better for the kids pop by using organic juice or nectar, a popscile mold from target or if you really want to get creative a dixie cup. If you still want to see what they look like to avoid while at the store click here
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