Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Karate Kid

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My mom has been wanting to put my baby, my little sweet charming baby into karate classes. He is finally "old enough" to join a class. We choose a well know karate school in CV. A very well talked about school of martial arts int he area. A lot of moms in the CVMC love this instructor and the skills they teach.

We took Gabriel to his first orientation class last night. From my point of view in the chair I was sitting in Gabriel seems so much smaller than the other boys ( 2nd grade and kindergarten)the other boys were really engaged and listening to the instructor talk about listening to their moms and dads being good at school and doing homework .

My little just kinda sat their and looked around the room and followed what the big guys did. He does not have the foggiest idea what homework is and what a bully is.

He did respond well to the activity they tried out standing in ready position, bowing, kicking and punching. I talked to the instructor after class and he said that LMG is age appropriate for a power ranger class and that he has other little 3 years old that do well. So guess what?

Away we go... karate two times a week. Stay tuned for more karate kid action. Now I need to go shopping for a Gei for my little power ranger.

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