Monday was E 's last day of school. He hosted a BBQ for his students in both the AM and PM class. By the time he got home he was not even interested in eating dinner. I was a little tired and not in the mood to really cook so I took the night off and had Trader Joe's Latin Style Black Bean Soup. One cup of soup equals 1 point, Which isn't too shabby at all. I did jazz this soup up a bit by adding brown rice cooked brown rice (while it heated) when it was done I added in a table spoon of salsa crumbled 4 tortilla chips on top and a pinch of shredded cheese.

MMMM... looks great and was yummy!

I had a wrap with my soup. Whole Wheat tortilla with spinach cucumbers, tomatoes a little bit of salad dressing and 2 jalapeno chicken sausages I cooked up over the weekend for dinner (I love to make the most out of left overs, what can I say. I hate wasting food.)
Needless to say my dinner was as good as it looked and healthy!
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