Bananas - 6 (Organics Unlimited, MEX)
Cantaloupe - 1 (CA)
Peaches - 4 (Burkart Farms, CA)
Spinach - Bunched - 1 (Cal-Organic Farms, CA)
Sprouts, Alfalfa - 4 oz - 1 (Banner Mountain Sprouts, CA)
Strawberries - 1 lb - 1 (Driscoll's, CA)
Tomatoes, Purple Cherokee - approx. 3 each - 0.75 lb (Tutti Frutti Farms, CA)
DR4022 Organic Apple Juice - 32 OZ (Santa Cruz)
DR4100 Organic Guava Synergy - 16oz. (Millennium)
BR4060 Organic Crazy Eights - 8 (Dee's Mini Doughnuts)
I also added on some quick kid shopping this week. Since E is home for the summer and has the boys 2 days a week I thought I would try and take the guess work out of lunch for him on Thursday and Friday. I ordered some little essentials from Spud to save him and myself some shopping time. On the littles list
Peanut Butter
Mac and cheese
Gorilla Munch Cereal
The Box was hefty and exciting to unpack and try some new items and munch on some old favorites. Here are some up close and personal snaps of items I got in my box last week.

Still hands down best apple juice on earth

Purple Cherokee tomatoes, a heirloom variety that in fact I discovered on Spud last summer and have been craving all year long so glad these little gems are back in my life!

Another shot of these yummies... pretty color huh?

I was a little hesitant at first to order milk through delivery but it arrived cold with these ice packs.FANTASTIC!

another shot of my lovely little box

REUSE! Whatever Spud sends to pack items like juice and milk I always return to make sure I recycle. This even included the rubber bands they use to keep the wrap tight. This empty box is stored in the garage ready to go to be put out the night before this weeks box. My delivery day has changed to Thursday starting this week. We are on a new summer schedule.

Hmm interesting drink. keep an eye out for a fab mama review later this week.
Speaking of reviews. I had some time on my hands to try all of this stuff this weekend and Fab mama reviews / little approved may I add are on the way this week. Keep your eyes peeled.
Want to get your own Spud Box?
Receive $25 off over your first 4 deliveries ($5 off each of your first 3 orders and $10 off your 4th). Use coupon code below.
Visit www.Spud.com and use coupon code CRSFO - ALVMIC
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