Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Stuffed Box

Picture 046

Today's box is defiantly not the boring bland box I had yesterday.
Breakfast: Cheerios 1 cup, dry (2), peach (1) Starbucks latte(3)
Breakfast total :6

Lunch :left over pasta from dinner (5) black bean soup with rice (2) yogurt raisins 1/2 cup (3) and Trader Joe's Apple Carrot sauce crusher box ( a fab mama review on this interesting item later)

I originally passed on the latte this morning. I told the girl who runs to Starbucks no I am good today. But she came back with one anyway! UGH! Sabotage. My lack of will power was hard at work and I gave in. I really need to stop the Starbucks people. Coffee in general. I long for the days before having littles when I had a lot of energy to do whatever , stay up late and go all day with out coffee.
Feeling sleep deprived and sluggish these days... Is it really parenthood, or my crazy schedule that's doing this to me. Will think about it more and report back later.

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