A complete and total splurge, not on myself but the littles.To be honest it caught my eye while at Best Buy because of the wild thing on the box. I loved Maurice Sendak's "Where The Wild Things are " growing up. When I saw the price tag I almost spit out my gum... seems kinda pricey for a collection of children's stories animated. Yeah, Yeah Scholastic Children's Treasury blah blah blah.
I sound like an awful mother I know but I can not justify spending that much on DVD's. The most money I have spent on dvds was the Godfather box set, but hello it's the Godfather arguably the best movie and sequel (not number 3, sorry) of all time. It should be in every single person with a pulses dvd collection . Foget about it.
Oh and E bought me the sex in the city collection once for my b day but that's different.. its SATC, another must have for any girlie girl.
I do think I will have to break down and go and get this for the boys especially when the weather gets cooler this fall and we are in the house for long hours cooped up because of rain... I am sure they will enjoy it then something new to watch besides noggin
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