My list of Sunday activities was put on hold when BBD had to go to the emergency room for getting sand in his eye. I know not really an emergency, but when your baby is crying and rubbing his eye nonstop for 3 hours you become a little frantic. Earlier in the day BBD was playing in his sand box and must have gotten something in his eye. We ran to Target to get some shopping done but before we left i noticed the puffy, redness swelling and tearing. After lots of flushing of his little eyeball and then his eye not opening at all I called the advice nurse and hustled him in.
Almost 3 hours later I arrived home with a still not so happy little guy with an scratched cornea and pupil. I know not a life altering aliment but I was happy I got it looked at and medication for it so it would not get worse. BTW by the time we left the hospital the piece of sand must have come out because the doctor could not find it. David got some drops to numb his eyeball and then some florescent drops put in so we could see if there were scratches under a back light. Such an adventure.

finger monitor as we were being admitted

He does not look unhappy with all the running around he was doing in the waiting room but if you look closely the left eye is puffy and red.

with his hospital glove balloon.. thanks to the nurse he was a little happier after that.

I was more irritated about the divit then David was

Headed home after a long day of eye rubbing and waiting.Once we got there David requested some lucky charms cereal and some playtime while I cleaned his room and Gabriel's room. Never any rest for mama. BTW we have drops we need to put in his eye for the next 10 days 2 drops four times a day, to make sure the scratch does not get an infection. His eye still looking puffy but he is still a handsome baby.