Crumpled mess on the floor. What a messy Mama you must be thinking. Guess again.
This is LMG's new trick. After we put him to bed at night. While we are watching TV or relaxing on the couch he sneaks out of his room like a preschool ninja. No, really. He crawls out and drags his blanket with him covering himself with the blanket. It's kinda weird. Like you feel something different like someone is watching you... you look over see his door open and then look into the hall way and you see the blanket crumpled on the floor...
And Then...

He pops up and says "Its me Gabriel!"
The first time he did this it cracked us up. E and I could not stop laughing. I mean it was Hilarious with a capital H!
In truth We probably laughed to hard because now he loves to do this just to make us laugh and to try and stay up a little longer. Most times it works.
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