Dear David,
Much like my letter to your brother, I don't know why this never occurred to me before. To write a letter to you to tell you about your life. The happenings, your favorite things and the joy you have been to us. This month September 2009 we celebrate your 2nd birthday. You have really started to become your own person David. You have your likes and you obvious dislikes. You have no trouble telling us if you do not like something. In fact, I am really starting to regret we ever taught you the word "No" because we are paying for it now ;)
As a littlier guy you had a bit of a speech delay. You my dear boy are making up for that delay by picking up a new word what seems like everyday... Current word count over 50 but you are still on the quiet side and I can see that you will eventually come out of your little shell. The other day I was tucking you into bed making sure you were as snug as a bug. I told you "Good Night David " after I kissed your nose and you looked and me and smiled and said "Good nite... mama" it was the sweetest thing I had heard all day. Your voice is like a little drip of syrup, warm and yummy. I immediately melted. It took me a minute to leave your room I just wanted to eat up all of the energy and amazement that shines through you.
I am writing you this letter just 4 days shy of your second birthday. I can not remember feeling happier to be a mommy then how I feel right now. You are growing up so fast and that excites me and makes me a little sad as well , because we plan on you being the last baby for our family. I am eager for you to grow out of the diapers and on with potty training, but I find myself not pushing it as much as I did with Gabriel because I want you to stay my cupcake boy forever.
David I will tell you, you have inherited your dad's love of sleep. You are ready for bed promptly at 6:30. If you are not cleaned up and in your pj's you are not a happy camper and the baby temper flares. We keep you up a little longer to make sure you are good and worn out but there have been occasions that I will go looking for you and I will find you laying on your bed with your alligator (toofers) snug in your arm and your blanket pulled over you the best you can manage. When I see you there you always pop up your head and say "HI, nite" . So sweet and let me tell you appreciated. You are also a late sleeper. We have to wake you up everyday. David Scott Anthony Alvino enjoys his sleep and don't mess with him when he is getting it.
Here is a list of what else you are currently up to
Your famous favorite word "NO" and you say it just like that "NO!"
All things Halloween Especially Skeletons
To jump on the couch ... mommy no like
To chase the cats
To copy all things Gabriel does
To share your food with Gabriel and Paella the cat ( I don't like that either... the cat part not the brother. It's ok to share with him)
To smile, laugh and thrown a howling fit
Cookies of all kinds
Food.. please grow out of this soon
When your brother does not share with you
Being told No
Staying in the house you want to explore
Well, happy beautiful boy I wanted you to know you are loved, adored in fact. You were the perfect cherry topping on my sweet cupcake life. Everyday I am thankful for you and the gift of being your mom. We have lots to learn together you and I. I look forward to all of those lessons.
I love you,
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