Dear Gabriel,
You are three years old. In the 40 months that you have been here with us so much has happened. You were born, you had your first kiss, hug, bath, bottle, diaper change, tooth, word, ice cream cone, sibling,tantrum, accomplishment and so many others first to list. I started my blog as a way to chronicle you life , your brothers life and our many adventures or misadventures as it sometimes is. However, in all the time of keeping a baby book or blogging it never occurred to me to write you a letter and tell you about yourself. And so it is... a new project for mommy a monthly letter to my sons.
Gabriel you are a joy. Plain and simple. I am going to ooze sappiness and sound a bit cliche the way all mothers do when they speak of being a mom. You never ever have any idea the joy and love you feel at the moment you first child is placed in your arms as when it actually happens and what an impact one human being can be on you. At that very moment you were handed to me I was in complete and utter love and have not fallen out of love yet. All that you do is interesting. Your mannerisms, the way you hold a spoon or a crayon. Your obsession with rice whether it be helping me make it or shoveling it in your mouth you can not get enough. Just shy of your third birthday you were totally potty trained. You and I were both proud and beamed with excitement each and every time you yelled to me from across the house "Mommy, I went caca!".
I never thought something as gross and lame as that would put such a smile on my face but it did each and every time. Gabriel, you are my sunshine boy. Up early like mommy ready to greet the world and day with new questions and challenges. Because of our mutual appreciation for rising at the break of dawn you and I have been on many an adventure in the early morning hours. Going for walks together, catching up over a latte and hot chocolate at the local Starbucks or leisurely strolling Target you have become my constant buddy, my favorite shopping companion. In fact, I think you and I have had more hot dates these last three years together than daddy and I.
Now that you are in preschool you seem to really have your own little life. Friends I don't know, teachers who you speak to more than I do and dare I say it a mind of your own. As sweet as you are you are a naughty little guy too. Always the first person to get themselves into mischief and a shining example to your brother in what a little boy should be like... loud, funny, and full or energy.
What are you currently into?
A fascination with Halloween, skeletons especially
Wow Wow Wubzzy
Bedtime stories
Your Coco
Constant snacking
Playing Preschool Ninja
Going to bed
Listening to mommy and daddy
Pumpkin(this is an ever evolving relationship, sometimes your off sometimes your on.. as I type this letter you and the cat are off.)
Food that contains any nutritional value (deep breath, we waste so much food... we really need to start composting)
Table manners ( we are working on it)
I wanted to write you this letter to tell you that quite honestly you have me wrapped around your cute little finger. Whatever you want you always seem to get. My little man. My first baby. You and I will always be companions and friends.
I love you,
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