Wednesday, November 4, 2009

FabMama Review: Pink Papaya Facial Mask

Picture 373

I have been in long need of a  new facial mask for quite some time. I picked up the Pink Papaya Facial Mask with Papaya Extract at a  Pink Papaya party I went to a couple of weeks back. Last night I had a little bit of free time on my hands so thought I would try it out.  I really liked the way it blended on to my skin. I  have always used a mask that has more grit to it with I apply. I think its  doing more exfoliating or something . So, I was surprised by the smooth texture... I was expecting it to be more gritty.  The feel of the actual mask while applying was very luxurious. If I were to compare it I would say it would be like applying cake frosting  to your skin, but fluffier.

The mask took a while to dry. I am use to a mask drying pretty quick  and becoming tight  rather fast (again this makes me think its actually doing something) There were no instructions on the box  or tub on how long to keep the mask on  ... but this is what it looks like.

Picture 374

Since it was taking so long to dry and get crackly  I decided to paint my fingers and toes . Then I had to keep the mask on for about 45 minutes until my fingertips were dry.

When I washed the mask off, it was really caked on. I am sure that has to do with the length of time it sat on my face but that was my fumble. not the mask. I did not really notice any huge changes in my skin right off the top. It did look cleaner... less oily. Which is good. I did not off the top notice any unclogged pores which is really what I was hoping for  but it seems a professional facial session is in my near future.

This morning  my skin does feel softer and it is brighter.  It also seems to be taking the colder morning weather better. I usually feel like I have tight chapped cheeks in the morning but today its very smooth.

The cost of the mask is $25. I usually would not spend this much on a mask but I really wanted to give it a try and now that I am 31 my skin is getting ready to hit the "mature" stage and I am trying to combat and major changes to texture and appearance as early as I can. I would buy this again. We will see how long the tub lasts and how many weeks usage I can get.

Here are some dos and don'ts of facial masks that I found  here

The do's of facial massage
The frequency of massaging should be appropriate for the skin's condition. Those who fear skin problems may continue a gentle, effective treatment on a daily basis, limiting the time to short periods. For those who do not routinely massage their skin, massage every 3-4 days with a massage product.
Use your entire palm when massaging a wide area.
Use generous amounts of massage cream, especially for those who have dry skin.
In the direction of facial curves, massaging should be done in a rhythm of inner to outer motions
The don'ts of a facial massage
Don't take small amount of cream. If too little massage cream is applied, the hands will not glide over the skin, creating excessive stimulation.
Don't use just your finger. When using just your finger, the skin suffers too much stimulation.
Don't massage in irregular directions. If you do not massage in the direction of facial curves, wrinkles can be formed.
Don't go for excessive massage. Excessive massaging can over stimulate the skin.

OK find a mask and start using it! I would recommend the Pink papaya Mask!

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