Meet Marigold. My daddy gave me this doll when I was born. Legend has it that when I was born my dad did not get the message that my mom was in labor and he was at work. So my mom went through the hard work of birthing me solo. I ended up being a C-section baby and he would not have been allowed in the operating room in the 70's but she still went through it alone. When my moms friend finally got ahold of my dad she told him I was a boy... So he rushed to the hospital to meet his son and was greeted by me. LOL, I was quite the surprise as I am sure you can imagine. I think somewhere in this sotry .. I have heard over the years he came to the hospital with a baseball glove and when he learned he had a daughter he went out and bought this little doll for me. That is how Marigold and I were forever linked in Michelle history.
It's plain to see my little Marigold has been through the ringer. I have scribbled on her, cut her hair, attempted a career in kindergarten as a fashion designer creating this destressed overall look that she currently sports. Who would have know I would have been so fashion forward at 6? She has been washed in the washing machine many times over the years ... and for being 31 she looks kinda beat up like she has lived a hard life, full of love and snuggling when we were little girls.
When E and I moved in together. I did not keep too many of my old stuff animals and dolls I had growing up. Marigold, a doll my great grandmother gave me I call my Grandma Helen Doll and my Barbie collection is really all I kept. Sorry People can not give up Barbie. Here's a random little bit of me knowledge... I played Barbie until I was 15 years old. E thinks this is hilarious but I just tell him " See, what a nice sweet girl you married forever young at heart and not in a rush to grow up, like some of my old friends and cohorts!"
Anyways Marigold sits on a picture frame on my bed table. I placed here there as a place of honor and to keep her safe from wild at heart littles who are far too rough for her old age and condtion. The littles however have been spotting her for a little while now and have been eager to get their hands on " Mommy's baby". They are finally able to reach Marigold and when I get home from work on many a day I find her on David's bed, sitting on the kitchen table, propped up on the couch relaxing. It's very funny. So, as Iwas cleaning up last night and found her on the sofa table in prone position her little leg crumpled up under her I thought I would snap and picture and introduce her to the world.

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