Dear Gabriel,
Last night you and I had a "camp out" in mommy and daddy's bed. This is what you like to call sleeping with us. As we were laying in bed talking you were telling me all about our day. How you helped mommy take down the Christmas tree, how you had a milk shake at Starbucks, how you tried to escape the shopping cart at Target and how much fun we had when we got home and started cleaning David's room and finding a new spot for all of your new stuff. As I was listening to you talk and tell me about your day I was brushing your hair out of your face and thinking how lucky I am to have such a smart happy boy as my son. Everything excites you and that excites me! We have had some ups and downs this month. I think its been a rough month. Our schedules have been kid of goofy from the holidays and I look forward to getting us all back on track. This month you learned a lot about the Holidays. We had a holiday party at your preschool, we went to a holiday party for the mother's club.You visited Santa quite a few times and everyday when you walked in the door you asked to watch Mr. Grinch and would sing the songs from that movie every chance you got. Both your Daddy and I would laugh when we were with you at a store and you would tell the people you saw, "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" in your cute little sing songy voice. Your such a cute little elf!
When we went to your preschool holiday party , the teachers had posted your class mates letters to Santa on the walls. I took it home and hung it on the fridge and nowthat's its time to put our holiday stuff away I wanted to document it. So here you go .... Gabriel Alvino's first Santa Claus letter:
Dear Santa Claus,
I want Spiderman stuff. I want Venom cause Spiderman can fight him. I want a Candy cane and a Spiderman suit. I'm good I do flashcards at Coco's house. I help my mommy do laundry and I help my daddy work on the motorcycle. I help my brother eat some lunch. Merry Christmas!
Your Friend,
Brilliant! I love it. As I read it I laughed out loud at the mention of doing flash cards at Coco's house because she does have you doing a lot of flashcards, and I laughed a little louder at the laundry because you complain so much when I ask you to pick up for dirty clothes and place them in the basket and refuse to put your clothes away when I ask you. I can just imagine how funny it was to take these notes down as your teacher. Great Idea.
Some other things you did this month. You helped mommy wrap Christmas gifts and it was your job to place them under the tree. You helped Mommy and Daddy decorate and take the down the Christmas tree. You continued to feed Pumpkin the cat, this by far is your favorite chore and you are very good at it. You do it with out fail but sometimes need a reminder to get started.
Your imagination is growing like a weed. Just like you! Yesterday we were at a drive through Starbucks , When Daddy finished his order and we pulled up a little in line you knew exactly what to dowhen you saw the speaker box. It was so funny to hear you give your "order" even though the window was rolled up and no one could hear you but us. You wanted a chocolate milk and a cookie, and asandwich and a gold fish? and Spiderman to fight Venom and you wanted to play with Bumble Bee cause you like auto-bots and they are good guys and everyone likes good guys and you know how to beat up bad guys and you don't like bad guys or strangers but you like fish sticks and cheese and juice.
WOW! You went on and on it was so funny. Your a hoot to hang out with Gabriel. I can only imagine what next month will bring.
It was amazing spending this Christmas with you and seeing the look of excitement and happiness when you saw what Santa Claus brought you. And yes there was plenty ofSpiderman and Venom stuff to keep you happy.
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