Dear David,
My sweet little boy. That is what I think every time I look at you, while your sitting on my lap and we are snuggling . I swear no baby is sweeter than you. Your smile , the look you get on your face when you learn something new or are surprised. I think one of the things I love about you the most is your sensitivity. You are always wanting to share. Your toys , your food , your giggles. Your both shy and boisterous at the same time. How that's possible I don't know but you do it wonderfully, the magic of little boys I guess
Your feelings get hurt often and your just now learning to stand up for yourself. We have to remind you to tell Gabriel no when you snags a toy that belongs to you, or if he tries to steal a cookie or cracker off of your plate. Your willingness to let Gabriel have his way bothers both Daddy and I and we are working on building your self esteem. I had no idea two year old's could have these kinda of problems but it makes sense when I think about my childhood. I was painfully shy and always let my little sister be the star of the show then one day I snapped out of it and low and behold you have your momma. You and I are a lot a like my little love.
Many days I find myself walking to your room to talk you out of a meltdown because your big brother hurt your feelings. I always knock on your door and you chirp" No, No Mommy. Go Away" but then when I don't come right in you open the door and look for me. Our sweet little routine happens at least a couple of times a day . Then when you feel better and reassured that we all love you and when Gabriel has come to apologize and give you a hug you toddle away with him excited to be playing with your big brother again.
This month you have taken on some new obstacles. You are dressing yourself , pulling on your pants and your shirts after much coaching from you Daddy in the morning and Coco during the day if we give you enough time you will get yourself dressed. This past weekend you finally put your shoes on for yourself for the first time... well the first time I have witnessed and we were all delighted! when you were done ... you jumped up and said" I bigkid , I big kid now!" Oh my gosh was all I could think. WOW my baby is getting so big and growing up. Next we are taking on potty training full force!
I don't worry about your speech any longer. Your are a very talkative boy, with questions, answers and complaints. You are singing songs with Gabriel and asking your own questions and complaining when I don't put enough syrup on your waffles. So I think its safe to say we have it covered.
A fun memory I have of you this month , we are dancing in the living room our usual afternoon routine but for some reason it was close to bed time and I was not ready to put you littles to sleep just yet... Gabriel and I were cutting a rug and as usual you had to be coaxed into dancing but once your got started you were jumping and waving your arms trying to keep the beat of the song we were listening to. It was so silly. Your Daddy was laughing and we were all cheering you on. When the song was over Gabriel gave you a hi five and said : "You dance funny David" you laughed and said "Thanks!" as you smacked his hand back then started grooving all over to the next song that came on. Your such a little funny guy always cracking us up.
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