A view from my snug seat on the couch tonight. As you can see I am enjoying this relaxing evening of facebook, blogging and reading. E purchased some vintage nintendo games for the Wii so while bbd is snug as a bug and lmg learns the art of super Mario from his dad I am left to my own thoughts and quiet time. So what am I thinking you may wonder as I listen to The Verve and Tori Amos on my mixpod music playlist I created the other night ... Well I'll tell ya.
Right now I am looking at E and thinking what a lucky girl I grew up to be. How much I simply adore and love him and as Jason Mraz sings i'm lucky to be in love with my best friend.
What else am I thinking ... That I need a Mani pedi , F it I need a spa day bad and that maybe a cookie would be yummy with this Mexican hot chocolate E made us. I am also thinking I need to see Tori Amos live, I love her music.
Ok those are my thoughts on this chilly Monday in CV. Can not wait for another 4 day weekend.
-- Posted From My fabulous iPhone
CV fab mama/curlie girlie gone mobile!
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