Monday, March 1, 2010

Dear Gabriel -February 2010

If ever there was a person that can try my patience it is you. It seems that these days we are butting heads left and right. I know this is probably what happens to little boys right before they turn four years old as you are on the brink of little boy independence. Here is a list of things I want to get accomplished with you these next couple of months before your birthday in May.

* Lessen if not cut out the whining. 
- the only person you whine to is me and it can ruin a perfectly good Saturday morning when you scream and cry for no reason. the minute you get what you want the crocodile tears dry up and smile pops up on your face

* Get you to independently clean your room.
- AH I know this is a long shot but I am hoping you will just wake up one day and put your own toys away

* Put you own laundry away.
- Again a dream but there is nothing wrong with mommy shooting for the stars

* Get you to like working in  your workbooks.
-Currently your not a fan of homework but I am hoping this will change soon as we have a lot of work to do

This month so much has been happening with you. I can sit and listen to you go on and on about your day, what you had for breakfast, why you didn't want to eat lunch, what you had a dream about. Why Daddy will not play "Beat it' when your driving in the car cause its your most favorite song ever and you love it. Why David is not allowed in your room because he's a baby and your a big boy and only big boys and Pumpkin the  cat can go in your room 


WOW,  see  your a talker and when you don't  like something or have something to say you say it... reminds me of someone I know quite well actually.

Since you and your brother are getting older and listening to and trying out table manners we have been able to get out of the house a lot more for dinner  which I love since it means less time I have to cook and Daddy loves since we are doing more outings. The secret  to dining out success for us has been to order your dinner first and get you guys a chocolate milk.Then  you will sit quietly coloring doing your own thing or chatting with your brother.  It's made a world of difference I wish I had come up with this sooner.


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