Dear Gabriel,
Another month another letter. With lots of changes in our lives you still manage to be the center of attention during most days. The long and short of it is... its been a pretty boring month. Lots of time at home making cupcakes after school on Fridays. We have spent a lot of time reading and working in your work books. I have taken to having long conversations with you during the time we have together. Sometimes it feels like an interview. I think your answers are silly and plan on recording one of these preschooler interviews on the Flip and posting it soon.
The questions revolve about your day and your life ... your many opinions on your likes your dislikes. What your diggin' what your not feeling. Who's a cool kid who's a trouble maker. I like to ask you what you want to be when you grow up. Every few days this answer changes.
Gabriel What do you want to be when you grow up
day 1- " an alligator hunter"
day 3- " an alien"
day 5- " I want to catch alligators"
See your still into alligators. Your eyes light up when you talk about them and your curious about all things alligator. You love to learn new things. You love to sing. You remain a happy healthy boy. You smile a lot. You laugh at your own jokes which I think is hilarious. Since you say things like.
"AHAHA that's funny. That makes me laugh, your laughing too!"
We continue to urge you to share your toys, to use your words not your hands to get your message across, to shake it off and not to be too sensitive as sometimes you get your feelings hurt for very little reason. You have little interest in building or playing solo. We have a collection of blocks that you ignore and don't want to have anything with. You always want to be around us. You never want to be in the other room doing your own thing. You walk into the kitchen... " Mommy, what are you doing? Can I help?" While we are watching a movie or TV... "Hey what is this what is that guy doing?" You love to make reports. " Mommy David is throwing his dinos at Pumpkin" (the cat), Mommy, Daddy told me to see what your doing. Daddy, Mommy said pick up my dirty clothes but I don't want to do that"
Your turning into a little busybody. I kinda adore it. Its heartwarming to see what will come out of your mouth next my sweet little love bug.
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