Dear David,
Where ever did your voice go? Somewhere along the month you have almost totally stopped talking. Ok thats kind of a fib. You speak only when necessary or if your playing with your brother or friends. I find you day after day coming up to me nuzzling your head into my knee making the sounds a kitty cat makes. Then I ask you,
" David are you being a cat today?"
You nod your head with a big smile and laughing eyes and whisper meow before your trot away. At first this was cute, but now I find myself wishing this kitty play phase would please hurry and move along.
You are very content to play by yourself or hang out with me. I come home from work feed you boys a snack we talk about your day and then Gabriel runs off to play. You hang out with me while I cook dinner. We talk, I ask you questions.
"David, how was your day?"
My day good
"David Would you like to color while I cook?"
What are you making mommy? Can I help you?
I pull up a chair to the counter and hand you a plastic butter knife or measuring spoons and we listen to music while I cut and chop. You hold on to the spoons or knife watching what I am doing. You ask " Whats that?" ... an onion " Can I eat it?" ...I chop up a thin piece and hand it to you, watching as you inspect it first. You sniff it. Put your tongue to it two or three times. You then put it in your mouth to bite and quickly give it back to me . "That's sour" We move along to mushrooms . The routine goes as before you ask, I give . You taste, but this time approve of the taste of mushrooms so I give you more to nibble on.
You watch as I load a pan, clean a mess. Always studying what I am doing, asking " Are we done? "Can I chop more? Can I have a cookie? "
Somewhere along the way you grow bored of me. Wonder what your brother is doing and tell me " I be back" you climb down the chair, and walk away. Sometimes you come right back. Sometimes you will climb onto the couch and sit right on top the freshly folded laundry I just placed down on the cushions. I ask you to please move little. You answer no by shaking your head and then you say " I want to stay with you".
So there you sit. In a pile of wash towels. Sorting socks. You like my colorful ones so you pick them out and place them next to you or in the sock bin. Sometimes we chit chat. Most of the time we watch my soap. When the commercials come on and I pause the TV to put laundry away. I come back to find you holding the remote, telling me to press this button , the yellow button... to make the TV go. You did this again today. I looked at you and you looked and me and we smile at each other. Then you said to me " I love you mommy" in the sweetest little voice, it almost made me cry I love you so much.
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