Gearing up and growing up on the quick! My son I am so proud of him! It really boggles my little mind that yep very very shortly I am going to have a child in elementary school! That my dear reader is a holy moly double wowza moment.
A few months back I ordered this cute lunch box for him. He loves it so much I need to keep it in hiding since I dont want him to actually get over it before he starts school. I have been reading school lunch blogs like crazy. Seeing the options that are available to children and taking a look at the lunch calendar at his school. I print it monthly and try to incorporate some of these meal into our lives ( as much as I can stomach anyhoo) like pizza boats, mac and cheese and tater tots.Well actually, I'm not going to sit here and lie. I have a fondness for tater tots always have and always will so those I dont mind much. Basically its kid food and basically there leaves lots to be desired.
In prep for school I have been going back to the root of my kid food cuteness and cutting out sandwiches with cookie cutters, re reading toddler cafe and visiting one of my favorite blogs again ... Wendy . She is such an inspiration in proper making of a bento lunch for your little. I actually dont know Wendy personally but she is a bay area momma we are friends on facebook and we twitter with each other from time to time. I follow her blog and sometimes you know reading a persons blog you kinda feel like you know them a little. I hope to meet her some day socially. She seems rad.
I picked up this cutie little cook book while out and about last week ( see picture above) Gabriel and I have a hot date to sit down together this week look at the pictures in the book and see what he would like to try. I'm including David in this activity too even though he remains picky eater numero uno in our little fab-nest (our house)
How else are we gearing up. Working hard on activity books. We do 5 pages a night!

Learning to read with our I can read too books. making trips to the library and finding every book momma can get her little paws on about my first day of school, or going to kindergarten. We have also started seeking out some friends with in our mothers club. Exchanged emails today with a gal and hoping to meet her son soon ( i think i have met her already tho... no i am positive i have) I sent an email to the school PTA looking to get more information about next year and how I can help.
Next on list for kinder prep:
fill out application for free school lunches ( yep i gotta see if we qualify, we may from what im reading so far)
I dont want him to eat lunch every day at school but i want to allow him the option from time to time so he gets the whole big kid experience
gathering money and saving it for school clothes shopping. which should be fun i love shopping right...
meeting his teacher eventually im sure. hoping she needs class room help a couple of times a month while im off on fridays I want to do as much as I can on my days off... yard supervision for recess whatever im open to it!
talking with some moms getting tips and tricks on how to run a smooth ship while juggling all of it!
buying school supplies... there is a list i need to help with for the class itself and here it is
locating and perfecting something apple-y as far as recipes go. I'm sure his teacher will be over getting an apple on the first day. I remember way back when , on my first day of kindergarten i showed up with an apple and it was a tradition i insisted on keeping up until high school for my first day of school each year. I hate to say I was a teachers pet.. but i was so the tradition will be living on... however we are showing up with something besides an apple. my little is gonna need some extra attention with his level of intensity, maybe a baked good will help her stay inspired with him. .. or maybe not as i'm reading this is sounds like a bribe of sorts ...oh well. I'm sure she or he will love us!
Gabriel always always runs over to the apples when we are at the market and starts searching for an apple that he wants to give to his teacher. I have to explain we are not ready to get one just yet but when the day comes we will be sure to pick out the prettiest apple we can find.
getting everyone up and at 'em in the AM right now i can drop off at my moms in pjs not brushing teeth and feeding breakfast.All of that comes to an end soon so i have mentally scheduled july to be the month i start getting him up and dressed and fed and out the door on time .... im giving myself plenty of bumper space to make this happen seamlessly come first week of school.
Wish me luck!