Happily and without much delay these days. The littles and I are gearing up for a happy springtime and summer. Being Gabriel's official last summer before the life of a big kid I am looking forward to keeping him busy with outings and visits with friends. I need to post on the mothers club website looking for incoming neighborhood kinder kids so I can get some playdates scheduled for him. I would like for him to walk into the first day of school already familiar with some faces. I hope he can make some chums. I recently found out one of our cousins will be attending his new school so he will be bumping into him from time to time.
Soon my schedule will be changing. Starting later to drop my little coconut off at school. I'm thinking about the clock alot lately. Time management has always been of a concern to me not that I ever have problem managing my time ... I excel at organization and time management. But it will obviously be a new undertaking and challenge to do all of it on my own. I'm looking forward to it!
What else has been keeping us busy over here in good ole CV. EVERYTHING! The littles and I have been on a cooking spree. Cooking and freezing meals, fresh bread. Making all sorts of new yummy things like fresh juice and yogurt pops. My big boys appetites are growing so much and they are sprouting like little bean poles. The boys are also getting better at helping around the nest (our little house)Gabriel, often asks to help me do the dishes and laundry. But they still have that little streak if laziness in them I need to closely supervise the picking up of toys and cleaning of their room. Their idea of clean is piling the toys and dirty clothes into the closet and closing the closet door. SIGH! Boys I tell ya! But we are working on it.
I came home from the market last week. I needed to run to pick up a few things for dinner and my sister sat with the kids for awhile. I walked into the kitchen and Gabriel had a load of clean clothes in his hands making his way to the laundry basket. I was elated and to be honest a little taken a back by this. A little man doing laundry... Holy Moly! Before I could even ask what he was doing he put his little paw up and said... I'm looking for my costume... I can not find it! WOWZA!! He quickly dropped the clothes to the floor and dashed off in search of his costume. I knew it was too good to be true. Alas, my days of laundry enslavement are far from over. I did however applaud both myself and him in his grasp of laundry...where the clean clothes live and where they go. On Sunday during our afternoon of cooking I gave him an arm load of clean wet clothes and marched his little butt out to the dryer and watched him load it.I pressed the start button and we did the big kid "I can do it dance" and our team super duper fab handshake (this is our team name... cause if nothing else these days we remain super duper fab... my little family of three)David did the big kid dance too and we all giggled.
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