I just am! Each and every day I wake up happy and ready for what new adventure God is putting my way. All the BS and blah blah does not even matter anymore. I look at myself in the mirror and say hello there beautiful girl ... you are fabulous! Your a proud strong woman, independent and fun. With a zest for life and its up and downs. Your smart, well read, up on current events and pop culture. You have an opinion and not afraid to share it. You have quite a collection of knowledge stacked up in that cute little noggin of yours. Your an awesome mommy , daughter, friend. You have crazy mad style and a killer smile & giggle. You, doll face are a catch! And you know what its all true each and every last syllable.
So you dear reader... whom ever you maybe, wherever you may be know and recognize someone like me... can't be broken. The prize is me and all I posses.
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