i am a consumer. i enjoy shopping. i see the need to own many silly things. it is both a blessing and a curse. a blessing because i often fill my nest and my life with different eclectic bits and pieces odd and ends.a curse because it sometimes makes me covet and coveting is a bad thing. Ask Moses, theres a whole commandment about it. Alas, if i must sin i rather it be a proper covet over a lipstick shade, a purse, a print then a neighbors wife! I pin often on my pintrest board but i wanted to share my love for things with my blog readers. so introducing drum roll please ...
this post will be all about my lastest covet worthy product. Totally lusty and completely unnecessary unless of course you fancy it to and want to pick one up for little ole me as well! I mean that will be much obliged.
my very first covet post ties two things together for my littles and i here in our nest. Star Wars pancake molds. star wars for me because I am a total star wars geek and pancakes for the little cause they love them some pancakes. I adore these and they are really not that expensive so I may or may not be picking these little molds up. im still on the fence. So are you a consumer what do you get all lusty over and what do you covet?
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