This post should actually be titled "What you get when you give a little chocolate ice cream ... a mess"
I could not resist a messy faced pic of BBD. The ice cream was a treat after we got home yesterday. E had the day off so we headed over to our favorite brewery Buffalo Bills for an early supper.
On the menu:
We had the wrangler pizza and the buffalo nachos to split of course... that's a lot of food. BBD had a love affair with beans. the whole mean long all he wanted to do was pick the beans off of the nachos and gobble them up. He has always had this fascination. We are not sure if he actually loves the taste of beans or if he just likes them because they are small and kinda cute just like him.
My original plan was to head over to the new frozen yogurt spot across from Buffalo Bills after for dessert, but on examination of our littles attitudes and the gleaming white upholstery of the new hot spot's chairs we decided to visit again when we have a better shot at success.... toddler melt downs frozen yogurt, and white do not mix... see the pic above if you doubt me, BBD was not even in a foul mood in that snap and this was the mess we had YIKES!
After dinner we took a jaunt to the San Leandro community center for E to take care of some park ranger business.
When we got home I felt bad about promising the litles something sweet and yummy while we were out so I decided to whip out a scoop of ice cream for them. THEY LOVED IT!But who can blame them ice cream is great. LMG gobbled his right down but my petite epicurean (davey pooh) savored his choclate ice cream like the true chocoholic is sure to become (just like his mama) and enjoyed each and every spoon full.

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