I had Friday off so I took the opportunity to drive out to Santana Row and pick up some rattan ottomans I have been lusting over for like ever. We had an empty spot in the living room that desperately needed filling. I rarely drive that far for anything but that was the last store in this area that carried them... they are discontinued. The Littles and I met daddy E for lunch and we had a quick nibble at the Olive Garden. It was eeh, Ok to say the least. But it was a quick sit down that the littles did not make a mess out of. Friday night was date night... Off to Chevy's to meet E's co workers for cocktail hour. After that we headed over to BestBuy to contemplate our next big electronic purchase.. a MAC book or a Wii... the jury is still out... Neither of us can honestly decide. We ended the night at a local CV favorite , The Ice Creamery. I stuck to the smallest sundae I could find the flavor black forest cherry... I took a risk selecting that new flavor and it did not payoff.. I am not really a cherry fan. The sundae remained for the most part un eaten. E had his usual Black and Tan, I think an oversized heart-attack on ice with a cherry on top but who am I to judge.
Saturday, E headed off to school and the littles and I ended up at SuperFranks in Pleasanton for a playdate with out play group the East Bay Small Fries. SuperFranks did a fabulous job renovating their Taught Town and I can see us there alot more often. My mom surprised me with a call asking to meet us at the mall so she could get the boys some new shoes. We met up at Stoneridge, shopped for new shoes for the littles at Stride Rite. Shoe shopping can be difficult for littles. Mines kept running out of the store with their new shoes on WITHOUT paying for them... Little theives, lol. After selecting fabulous toddler foot fashions, my mom and I decided to motor to Walmart for more littles shopping. She picked up some much needed supplies for her place and then got them some toys they were eyeing.
Sunday was another busy day. I had 4 massage sessions. I was out of the house at 7:30 am and back home by 12:45. We celebrated the SuperBowl at my mom and dad's place. It was a fun but I will a tad boring day. The Steelers won the game... but all the SuperBowl mania has left me with an even more backed up TIVO. YIKES! We need to make up some Tivo time like ASAP... Survivor starts next week.
Check out some photos for this weekend!
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