Dear Gabriel,
The change in the seasons has actually brought a little bit of change in you. The more I listen to you speak and articulate the more I am amazed at how fast you are growing up. I often listen to you tell me a story and hear how you sprinkle in bits of things you have picked up listening to us talk. My current favorite is "it's a long story" .
On Sunday you had some type of calamity that caused you to cry and throw a fit. When I asked you "hey whats wrong my love?' You buried your head in my lap and said "it's a long story... I don't want to talk about it" Despite your obviously rough time I looked over at your daddy and we smiled at each other before we convinced you to shake it off and go back to playing. I think it's awesome that you are using new words and terms. I will admit I think its so funny that you have picked up my knack for drama, even though I am sure this is some type of karma coming back on me for dramatics deeds of my days past.
This month has also brought a change in your appetite. Much more now than before you are willing to try something new or come close to finishing a meal with out lots of waste. Which makes me very happy. Here are some things you are really digging right now
Burritos- ha so funny to see you attempt to gobble one down
Astro Boy - your new favorite movie
Money- you have become obsessed with money. Collecting a penny if you find it on the street and sticking it in your pocket and your piggy bank
The Zoo- yep its that time of year again to be zoo bound as often as possible
Alligators- I heard on a recent trip to the zoo you and David held your Titi hostage at the alligator tank for 45 minutes just checking out what they were doing.
The ocean- Cause fish and sharks and alligators live there.. umm no but you refuse to let me correct you so we are going with it
Feelings- You are always reminding me and David that we have hurt your feelings when you don't get your way... thanks for the guilt trip
Milk Shakes- cause who wouldn't digg a milk shake all the time?
You are getting really really close to getting your training wheels on your bicycle taken off which I think will officially make you a big boy. I am not sure about that I will need to check the how to parent a big boy manual but I can say it will be a pretty big deal once those wheels are popped off. As always this month you have been a bright spot in my day as you always will be. I miss you so much when I am at work or away from home and can not wait to get home and listen to you fill my head with almost four year old gibberish. Your sing songy voice fills my heart. I love you so much.