Saturday, May 29, 2010

LmG -star of the week!

Lmg was star of the week at preschool . We had to create a fun little poster, fill out a questionaire and write a little story about my preschool star.

Here is a look at his poster

Baby hood shots

A familiar shot from my blog header a familiar art project and a preschool picture.

Gabriels third birthday and a picture of me and my baby last year at the beach

Some goofy preschooler moments

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CV fab mama/curlie girlie gone mobile!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Fourth Birthday Baby Bear

What I use to call LMG when he was a baby ... Baby Bear. In fact everyone started calling him that. Some how some way over the last four years he grew out of that. Makes me tear up a little thinking about it. SHH! Don't tell anyone but when I go in to check on him in the middle of the night and make sure he's snug as a rug... I whisper in his ear " I love you baby bear"

Table Dancers


A look at this week's lunch eats


A left over burrito , side salad, shredded wheat, and one kashi chocolate cookie... I have been having a sweet tooth


Black beans and rice, side salad with a little dressing,
A hard boiled egg, a red velvet one point bar and a chicken drumstick.


Bonus breakfast box: hard boiled egg, one mini whole wheat bagel with nutella, 1/2 cup of honey nut cheerios. Love the breakfast box idea and will be doing this more often

Lunch: side salad with dressing, polenta and spinach (tj's) , Kashi granola , pepper & mint porkchop


No breakfast I starbucks it today

Left over polenta, a side salad with spinach and tomatos,dressing, mango chicken drumstick

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Flippin' Story Time - Chicken Soup With Rice

Please excuse my excitement and enthusiasm and plain silliness this was my favorite book when I was a little girl who did Kindergarten twice .... thats a long story . I love this book and it will always be in my heart.

Flippin' Story Time - Where The Wild Things Are

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Preschool Art May

A red butterfly glued to a stick . It kinda flaps when you move it back and forth.

Easel art

More easel art

Copper cars stebcil painting I really like this one and added it to the art gallery on lmg's wall. The rest of the art I am storing. Sometimes I use it for wrapping paper since I have two drawers full of easel painting it's a good way to upcycle them after snapping pics for the blog.

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Monday bento

Pasta with a side salad . Breakfast was yogurt with s half a banana and a blueberry cereal bar

Tuesay lunch: tuna salad with spinach ,1/2 cup of clam chowder, honey pretzel sticks, half a banana and fiber one bar for breakfast

Close up of tuna sandwhich I make it with a sprinkle of olive oil and pepper to make it less healthier but it also is very tasty with a dash of your favorite low fat or fat free dressing .

Wednesday lunch: noodle salad with half a cup of basmati rice and soy . My favorite lunch this week. Breakfast was half of an apple sausage and shredded wheat squares.

Thursday I packed a weight watchers meal and cereal bar since I need to go grocery shopping.

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Friday, May 14, 2010

A week of lunch

A weeks worth of lunches in the bento box



Skipped Wednesday lunch was on the house at work so I had gross yuck yuck Hawaiian BBQ ... This was Thursday lunch

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Preschool Art May 2010

A little collection of art from the monrh of May. Lmg is a very good little artist

Chalk spider art

Paper plate spinner painting ( I think)

Possibly bubble painting maybe sponge painting

Easel painting

Easel painting and marker

Hmmm plaster of Paris and chopped up color sticks

I think that's plaster of Paris not sure

Easel painting

My mothers day gift I got last week I love it!

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Saturday, May 8, 2010

End of Week Bentos

Love this bento box . It has totally helped me with portion control, oh and I have been really counting points again this last week and lost 2 pounds this week at weigh in. I am very happy and pleased with myself. Hoping I can keep it up.

Box A yogurt and berries, hb egg, hummus turkey sandwhich triangles and a side salad,honey pretzel sticks

Box B 1/2 sausage chopped up, side salad, cereal bar, hb eggs and shredded wheat squares.

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Me and my kitty kitty luv luv she's such a little doll love my fur baby pumpkin! Did you know she tweets she's very Internet savvy this little meow meow.

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Hello Again Project Pamper Me

So I totally fell off on the project pamper me I was loving so very much. I just have not had time to squeeze on a bubble bath. Yesterday morning I had some down time after E took lmg off to school bbd was still snoozing so I thought perfect morning for a bubble bath and face mask . Great way to start my weekend right?

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Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Little Twitter

The Littles are tweeting, well sorta. I have been cracking up and the stuff the littles have been saying lately. If you read the Dear David for April 2010 you probably laughed too at the Jesus Christ story. I was thinking I need to some how some way capture these moments and maybe one day gather them all up and create a little book I can  look back at when I am a little old lady. The simplest thing I could think of was Twitter. I have an easy little app on my iphone that I can capture the moments of little brilliance.

Want to follow the littles? You can find them here Littles_Said It

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Bento licious lunch box

Salad with turkey hb egg and cheese no dressing 4 pts

Yougrt with fruit and shredded wheat squares 3 points

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CV fab mama/curlie girlie gone mobile!

Dear Gabriel April 2010

Dear Gabriel, 

Tonight we were hanging out on the couch and I gave you a hug and a kiss and you look up at me and said "mommy your my favorite hot stuff" WOWZA what a Casanova in training. I am sure if your daddy had heard you say that he would have beamed with pride that you were picking up some as he likes to call  them  "player moves"  I thought it was silly and we both giggled while I tickled your tummy.

 Your saying the funniest things these days I want to capture them somehow and record the things you and your brother say.

Here is an sampling of your greatest almost 4 year old moments this month

Mommy do you know what a crocidilean is , it means I am a crocodile

No I don't want a baby, I have a brother
I like chicken nuggets they are small  chickens

I'm Peter Parker you are my princess MJ 

Lets go  fast and run over the motorcycles

You crack me up as I am typing this. Silly little. April was a busy month for us we had many adventures including four trips to the zoo a trip to the california hall of science to check out an albino alligator and lots of running around doing errands and taking care of everyday stuff. I love taking you on adventures , you always keep me company chit chatting about this and that asking why that neighbor man is watering his plants today and why the plants need water.  Not only have you been very curious but you  have been starving. I feel like I can not keep you feed enough. A couple of fridays ago I kept a closer eye on exactly how much I fed you that day . 

mc donalds nuggets french fries and half a cheese burger
a mango smoothie
pretzel sticks with peanut butter
two bowls of spaghetti
one scoop of ice cream

oh my! I wish I could bottle up the energy you have that burns those calories I would be a millionaire!

As I was tucking you in last night you became very quiet and told me very softly that you wished I did not have to go to work because you miss me when I am gone. It brought a little tear to my eye. I miss you too and wish I  could spend every  waking moment you have with you watching you learn new things, listening to you giggle and play.

Let's see what May has to bring us its your fourth birthday this month. There will be lots to write about.


Dear David April 2010

Dear David,

You are still potty training. It is not going as smoothly as I had hoped it would. You have accidents  which is normal but now you have started hiding out to go number two. The goal is to really get you to tell us on time  I have to go caca... the other day you came to inform me you had caca and you were holding it in your hand after you plucked it out of your underwear. I was not a happy mommy. You, however had a huge smile on your face. I could not decide if you were happy that you were on your way to put it in the toilet or if you wanted  some props for making a caca.

SIGH! I just keep reminding myself you will get there... you will get there. 

Besides the "excitement" of potty training  you and I have been up to lots this last month. We both look forward to our date Friday where we go on "adventures" as you like to call them. Basically we run errands and you get a chocolate milk and vanilla scone from Starbucks and talk to the people in the drive thru line.Every Thursday night when I am tucking you into bed I tell you about all the fun we are going to have on our morning adventure. You get very excited and say " I want to go to Target , I want chocolate milk " I think its  funny that you have our little schedule down however Daddy and Papa  think I need more variety in my life... I kind of agree so we go to the Hayward Target now instead of Bayfair. 

Your still digging reptiles. Your new favorite one is the Jesus Christ lizard whom you both discovered watching that Life program about animals in their natural habitats. You walk around the house with a plastic green lizard and say things like "look at Jesus Christ", "where's Jesus Christ" , "Can I take Jesus Christ?" and sometimes you throw it at Gabriel and say" HAHA Jesus Christ got you". At first I was really confused why you kept calling this lizard Jesus Christ and then I put it all together and thought oh my lord  these littles and the reptiles. 

Last week we had to attend funeral services for you great grandfather. Daddy explained to you that we were going to Jesus' house and that we had to be very good.  While at the services you kept talking to Gabriel and you guys were looking around. I was watching you closely  but  could not figure out what was on your mind.  You finally looked at me and said "Where is Jesus Christ?" I whispered "We are at his house shh lets be quiet", you replied "I don't see a lizard".

So shameful that we are Catholic and you think going to Jesus' house is visiting with a lizard.  But these are the things you remember when you have children and in case one day I don't remember this story I had to write it so I can never forget.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Scenes from the barbershop



We needed a trip to the barber shop... Bad e had been talking about giving the boys a Mohawk fir awhile and I thought it was not a great idea.... I was so wrong these boys look so cute with their little hair dos some should snatch them up and put them in a commercial!

What a looker well then again I am really biased this I know

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First day back at work from my unplanned mental health week and I wanted to put my new bento box to use straight away . I heart this lunch box really it's my new favorite thing well second my first is a super cutsie purse I picked up this weekend as if I really need another purse bur I thought hey you can always use a new black bag and it's close enough to mothers day I should treat myself and it was a steal at $8 how it was still on the rack is beyond me purse pictures later back to lunch boxing it

Had a tasty big salad and plenty of cubby holes fir breakfast etc.

I packed some left over orzo salad that I made this weekend, a hb egg , some berries , yogurt and some shredded wheat squares. Tomorrow I will be packing a little more protein as I have a slight headache today.

Anyhoo my bento box is WAYisn't it?

Now on to other important things a new purse first fashion love I have puctures to prove it me all cute and curlied haired chubby toddler cheeks rockin a bag haha

Big and roomy for everything necessary wallet, makeup, random book for endless homework i always have, headphones etc.

I would snap a cute pic with me sporting it but have zero motivation to look presentable in a picture it's been a long day and I am already in sweats thinking about bedtime

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