Sunday, June 5, 2011

From the mouths of babes ...

It's been a long weekend. Vomitting diarrhea fevers and all sorts if ickiness. I've been dr. Mom since Friday at around 2 am
When baby G up - chucked all over my bed. Good times! Gees, reading this is kinda gross - sorry :|
Making homemade soup running a 5 year old to the bathroom and hoping we make it on time ,a few times we didn't
And basically isolation all weekend long but you know what I wouldnt have it any other way. I'm a mommy and that's what the job entails.
All of this will never get repaid or appreciated or recognized but it warmed my heart when my son said this to me today while i was rocking his clammy body in my arms- he's a boy now no longer a baby these moments are soon going to be over- I realized that today

G: mommy thank you for taking care of me like a doctor. When I'm done being sick you can go back to normal. I love you mommy I love that you take care of me cause I'm your sugar booger buggy boo baby bear. You will always take care of me cause we are a team.

Awww that's my bebe!!
I smiled and said yes, always baby bear and kissed the top of his head. Burning the memory of this in my brain-forever.
Fingers crossed David and I dont catch this nasty bug

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