Hello my name is Toofers and I am a blue alligator. Yes, yes its true I am a stuffed blue alligator but I am an alligator none the less. I will be making a regular appearance as a contributor to this blog . So get used to seeing me. I promise, I dont bite I am only good for a proper snuggle.
The picture at the top of this shows me as a young fresh chap. My stuffing had not yet been hugged and squeezed flat. I had a bright baby blue complexion. But things change an alligator gets snuggled and squuezed and kissed and thrown. Yes, its true I have been hurled across a room in my day.

This is me now. I have been well loved.The fluff and stuff of my youth is gone. Even though I am given a proper bath regularly and an attempt to primp is made this is who I now am now. Me in all of my faded glory.

This is my boy. His name is David. I am sweet on him and his clever little ways. He is fond of me. We are best friends. We are always together. From morning until night, unless of course I'm forgot at home while he is on an adventure. I stumbled into his life at an early age when his mum purchased me as a companion for his older brother. (Yes, by the way I speak in an occasional British accent so from this point on do read in Bristish accent. ok, carry on)The affinity for the oldest child never grew. It was the wee one I was drawn to and him to me. From the first day we made proper introduction, I became his constant companion. His crib mate his snack partner and still his choice of snuggling partner. We both dont sleep as well when we are apart. I need to feel his tiny fingers stroking the top of my head as we fall asleep.
My contributions to this blog will be random. When I have something to says as I watch my boy play, learn and grow.
I leave you now with a final image of me and my boy and our usual
everyday shenanigans

See, I told you I am tossed about.
- Curlie Girlie blogging on the go!