Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Twitter Fun
Found this fun application for tweet feeds. Similar to wordle I used to snazz up the side lines of my blog. TweetCloud generates words you have used in tweets. I went back a year in posting and this is what was conjured up. Cute and telling no? Words missing from this cloud that I use in my everyday language and tweeting ... fabulous, random,cocktail, latte, wine food porn
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Preschool Art Feb. 2010

My little he's getting so big!

This one reminds me of spring
-- Posted From My fabulous iPhone
CV fab mama/curlie girlie gone mobile!
Project Pamper Me : Week 5

Shark attack!
While I was attempting to relax the morning away a little came into the bathroom and handed me his shark.

This made the little giggle.

Gees I never get a break!
Ok back to the bubble bath....

I thought my tootsie could use some extra attention so I busted out this foot scrub my momma put in my x mas stocking this year... Flavor watermelon mint? It was more mintie than melon.

Here's what it looks like very grainy it did the job of getting rid of dull looking skin on my feet .

Then since the little took off I figured I could deep condition my hair with my current favorite product that I snagged at Ross for $10 this stuff is lasting forever.

Then I ended the bath with a yummy face mask from the body shop

Works well and smells yummy!
-- Posted From My fabulous iPhone
CV fab mama/curlie girlie gone mobile!
project pamper me
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Cupid Day

Cards from my loves this happy v day

And since we are way past buying each other gifts the purse I bought myself for v day ... E got a video game for himself . Date details to come
-- Posted From My fabulous iPhone
CV fab mama/curlie girlie gone mobile!
just because
Friday, February 12, 2010
Pre V-Day With Love

LmG had a big valentines day party planned at school this week. This posed a serious question for your not so crafty mami . To make or buy valentines ? Hmmm decisions decisions! I took a shot at it and decided to craft my own little hearts for his party.

Beyond simple and fast. I took a heart shaped cookie cutter, some random scrap book paper I happen to have laying around the house and an old preschool art project and made these little guys .

Cute no? It only took a minute to crafty 31 of these little hearts topped off with a cute little stamp.

Then I got super crafty and made up six of these little pieces of art for his teachers , my mom, and sister. These of course were more difficult to whip up but nothing a stencil, ribbon, tissue paper, glitter and glue gun could not handle.

Day after V-Day party and this is the loot.

The shoe box served ad lmG 's mail box

Of course I have to feature this one right ?

And because I can not possibly keep them all here are the ones I am keeping for the baby book
-- Posted From My fabulous iPhone
CV fab mama/curlie girlie gone mobile!
Preschool Art
Feb.12 and here is some new art work a la lmG

V-Day art work made with love by my little Picasso

Hearts and scribbles

Splotchy color fun

I think he should be doing more organized art work by now. Where are the circles and funny faces? I don't know ... Maybe I should be helping him develop these skills more.
-- Posted From My fabulous iPhone
CV fab mama/curlie girlie gone mobile!

V-Day art work made with love by my little Picasso

Hearts and scribbles

Splotchy color fun

I think he should be doing more organized art work by now. Where are the circles and funny faces? I don't know ... Maybe I should be helping him develop these skills more.
-- Posted From My fabulous iPhone
CV fab mama/curlie girlie gone mobile!
toddler picaso
Thursday, February 11, 2010
AWWW I'm Still Here
So sorry it's really been too long since I have posted. Some how some way I got distracted but all of that is over now and I am back on track to share random shopping moments, the bliss of being in a house full of littles and everyones favorite... the lunch box. So please forgive me. While doing nothing at work today, my favorite work day activity besides commenting on friends facebook pictures, reading my blog roll is shopping Etsy. I found the most adorable valentine that put a smile on my face and made me think of the good old days of my youth when every girl had a Jordan Catalano and being in love with him was sheer torture! Thank the Lord I outgrew all of that tortured love years ago and found the most wonderful person ever to share my life with.
Shop here if you still have a Jordan you want to send this to.
Shop here if you still have a Jordan you want to send this to.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Dear David January 2010
Dear David,
My little maker of mischief. Although January has been an all around boring month for us as a family you have sprouted in to quite a little trouble maker this last month. Clothes tossed out of the drawers and piled up in your room, it must have been David. Someone jumping on our bed and making a mess of the blankets and pillows, yep it must have been David. Someone tossing food from their plate in protest of what is being served to them, oh yeah thats you David. Oh my goodness if I really had more times on my hand I would write down every little naughty thing you have been up to but I fear the list would be longer than I would actually like to admit to.
So on to some positive things you have been doing this month. Talking SO much. Your putting little sentences together left and right. Putting your shoes on yourself. Helping to pick out your clothes. You are a very good people watcher, one person in particular ... Gabriel. What ever he has done you are immediately going to copy him. So as I am sure you can imagine this has increased the amount of mischief that you are actually creating in this house these days. To top it all of you have developed this funny little chuckle ( it is so funny) its like a throaty little "AHAHAHA" that you let out when ever you are actually up to a less then happy moment for mommy . It reminds me very much of a little comic book villain that goes after the super hero and sets him off course and then little thought bubble is filled with the glee and delight in the trouble they have caused. It's all very cute just like you my little luv bug.
A letter to my sons,
baby book
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Dear Gabriel - January 2010
Dear Gabriel,
New year new fun with my little baby bear. I wish I can say we had a more exciting month but after all of the holiday business we really had a not so exciting month. you have turned into quite the little music kid. You love singing and dancing. For awhile now you have been singing your favorite preschool jams from Noggin and Nick Jr. but now you are recognizing songs from the radio and asking me "Mommy, what is this song ?" I will answer Frank Sinatra, U2, LL Cool J whatever it happens to be. You contemplate it listen for a minute more and decide if you like it. Sometimes you break out in a funny little dance, listen to the lyrics and attempt to sing along and sometimes you request I change it to the next song.
This month the tormenting of your little brother has taken a turn straight to naughty -ville. I will say that this last month you have been on time out more times than I can count. And still even after you apologize to David not even 5 minutes later you are wrestling, tackling, or jumping on him again. After a few long talks that we thought we were getting through to you I have just about given up. I am hoping you will lighten up on him but I keep hearing this is how boys are and I am ready for the challenge.
Love ,
A letter to my sons,
baby book
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